
Reduce fine lines, wrinkles and add volume to enhance your natural beauty and reveal a fresher you.

Botox and Dermal Fillers


These are two popular anti-ageing and rejuvenating injectable treatments, both are highly effective and extremely popular, however they work in very different ways.

Botox, muscle-relaxing injections release tension from the muscle underneath a wrinkle, whereas facial fillers literally fill an area such as a line or wrinkle or an area where more volume is needed such as cheeks, lips or marionette lines.

These two treatments work very well together to give an overall non-surgical facelift when advised by our team of highly qualified medical professionals. They are highly adept in safely delivering anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers and their deep understanding of facial aesthetics in both women and men means they produce a look that is more youthful yet natural.

Dermal Fillers are a manmade, non-animal, substance that mimics the body’s natural depleted hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance within the body, as we age, our skin starts to produce less Hyaluronic Acid, leading to it becoming dry and thin.

Adding moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid may provide a short-term effect; however, Hyaluronic Acid facial fillers truly get moisture, volume and plumpness deep under the skin. Natural lines and wrinkles deepen; lips lose their fullness; lines appear around the mouth and nose area, and cheeks lose volume giving them a sunken and hollow appearance.

Once injected the fillers provide support and structure to the skin, giving a plumped and youthful appearance. The semi-permanent fillers provide safe, long-lasting and natural looking results.

Botox is a purified protein that softens fine lines and deep wrinkles by relaxing the contracted muscles, the FDA approved injections are non-invasive and with virtually no recovery time necessary you can resume your normal activities immediately after your 10 minute treatment. Untreated areas of the face aren’t affected, so you can still smile and frown, but the skin on the treated areas won’t wrinkle as much as usual.

Your medical practitioner will inject Botox directly into the muscles below the wrinkles, resulting in a temporary relaxation of the facial muscles Thereby preventing the formation of new wrinkles, whilst softening existing lines. With repeated treatments your muscles become re-educated limiting the damage incurred by the skin’s natural collagen and reducing the development of new lines and wrinkles

Lines and wrinkles are a natural and unstoppable part of the aging process, while they are inevitable they can be softened and reduced.


Kybella is made of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that naturally resides in our liver to break down fat. When concentrated, it can be injected directly into fat cells to permanently destroy them. Kybella can be used in various pockets of fat, such as under the chin, the jowls, and front and back bra fat.


Sculptra is a biostimulator, meaning it stimulates your body’s natural collagen production to add volume to an area. Sculptra will last 2-3 years once the series of treatments are completed, perfect for longer lasting treatments in the face as well as in the butt; this is a non surgical alternative to a Brazilian butt-lift.
We also commonly use it to soften cellulite and correct irregularities such as “hip dips” in the buttocks area.


Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure whereby a chemical, the sclerosant, is injected into a vein to entirely obliterate it. The sclerosant damages the innermost lining of the vessel (the endothelium), resulting in a clot that blocks the blood circulation in the vein beyond. The destruction of these types of veins can be desirable both medically and cosmetically and is completely safe and FDA approved.

The procedure takes 30 minutes, and the patient leaves the office on the same day of treatment. You should bring compression socks with you to your treatment and wear for the rest of the day and night, you will continue to wear for one to two weeks after treatment during the day only. There is little to no downtime associated with sclerotherapy and you will be able to return to your everyday activities immediately. We do advise that you avoid sunlight, hot baths, saunas, swimming pools, and the beach during the first two days after treatment. We also recommend that you avoid aerobic or heavy exercise, such as running and weightlifting, for a couple of days.

You should use acetaminophen-based pain medicine such as Tylenol for any discomfort. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen can affect your blood’s clotting process.

You will see results in three to six weeks after treatment, 4 sessions are required; the treatment consists of three treatments with the sclerosant (six weeks apart) followed by one laser treatment using our medical grade laser machines. The package of treatment costs $1300 or $400 per individual session.

Pre/Post Care

Our team of medical professionals is led by Dr Nadeem Paroya. The team comprises highly qualified experts who are adept in safely delivering aesthetic treatments. Their deep understanding of facial aesthetics in both women and men means they produce a look that is natural and more youthful.
Aesthetic injections are tried and tested in millions of treatments globally, are FDA approved and are safe and effective when administered by a medical professional who has correct understanding of the underlying musculature.
Side effects can include minor bruising at the site of the injection, please avoid any blood thinning medication (such as, aspirin, for example) for several days prior to your treatment, as this increases the risk of bruising.
Please book your appointment at least 2 weeks before any special events, to allow product to take effect and/or to allow swelling to alleviate.

You will be advised fully of post-treatment advice for your specific treatment at your appointment.

After the treatment some common injection-related reactions might occur, such as swelling, redness, pain, itching, discoloration and tenderness at the injection site. These typically resolve spontaneously within 2 to 5 days.

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin will almost always cause bleeding or increased bruising at the injection site.

No exercise except for walking for 24 hours after the procedure.

It is advisable to avoid facials, massages, exfoliating in the treatment areas for 2 weeks post-procedure.

Please allow 2 weeks before evaluating results. If there are any questions or concerns about results, please contact us.

We would like you to be fully informed on the products we offer before you begin treatment. To learn more about the uses, possible risks and side effects, or any other information, please follow the links below to the manufacturers’ corresponding websites:



Juvederm Fillers

Restylane Fillers

